saying a new thing

Early this morning as I wake up I have some stirrings of anxiety. Even my sleeping body knows that keeping an open mind and heart often leads me to find out things I am not quite ready to know.

I also dread more news of the violence in our democracy. Yet at least we are beginning to see and say more clearly the truth about what is going on.

New voices are being heard, not just the same “safe” voices that have been amplified for so long, good for the status quo but deadly to our well-being.

Sometimes we catch our own selves saying a new thing, a loving, courageous truth we were not ready to voice before. This too is part of how we find the power to heal.

I step outdoors. After last night’s rain, the cool air and bright greens of this new day quicken my pulse in a different way. Once we stop attempting to banish unwanted thoughts and feelings, there is more room, more time, for the abundance of gifts that surround us.

I sit down under a venerable willow tree and breathe gently. I seek to receive whatever stirs within. I send forth loving-kindness, beauty, and peace to all.