Was the Water Warm?

One morning when my friend Laura got out of the shower and took hold of her towel, she noticed that she had spent all her shower time thinking about a stressful meeting scheduled for later that day at work.

Laura realized she remembered nothing about taking her shower. She asked herself, "Was the water warm?"

Laura's question has stayed with me. These days I notice the warm water more often and with deeper thankfulness. Just now I found a reflection on this very human experience in Jon Kabat-Zinn's 2018 book, "Falling Awake."

Jon writes, "I often suggest to people that the next time they are taking a shower, they might check and see if they are in the shower. It is not uncommon to find that you are not in the shower at all, but in a meeting with your colleagues that hasn't happened yet, for instance. Actually, in that moment, the whole meeting could be said to be in the shower with you. [!] Meanwhile you may be missing the experience of the water on your skin and pretty much everything else about that moment." (p. 76)