Learning to Vote for Everybody

“I’m not going to lie and say, like, in February 2020, I was worried about racism in America,” said Ms. Kate Rabinovitch, of Columbus, Ohio, who has a 4-year-old son. “Like, I wasn’t.”

The video of Mr. George Floyd’s killing, she said, forced her to acknowledge structural problems in American society.

“I have to think of everybody,” she said. “So if I’m voting against Donald Trump, that’s not a vote for me or a vote for my son. That’s a vote for everyone. Everyone’s sons.”

Yes. And that's a vote for everyone's daughters, mothers, aunts, grandparents, sisters, brothers, fathers, uncles, cousins, friends, and neighbors.

"Love your neighbor as yourself," says Jesus.

Jesus knows we can do this.

Yes we can.


Thanks be to God for this loving prophetic witness from Ms. Kate Rabinovitch, whose reflections on her experience of spiritual and social transformation are shared in a New York Times online article published October 17, 2020, 3:00 AM by Lisa Lerer.