Our Days

“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

When I first came across these words years ago on a page in Annie Dillard’s book, The Writing Life, I got up from my desk and went outdoors. Her comment didn’t seem like an “of course” to me. It felt like a revelation.

It’s easier than we think to slip into taking our days for granted. And when life is stressful, we understandably start thinking in terms of “how to get through the day.”

Very early this morning, when it was still inky dark, I saw a burnt orange curve of light floating low on the east horizon. In bare feet, I stepped out onto the porch. I felt the first wintry air of autumn, turned toward the slender moon, and breathed deeply. I am here now. We are all here now. Whatever we are doing, wondering, feeling, praying, may we be deeply blessed by the miracle of sharing this day.