The Least of These

Not long ago, Michael Steele and Chris Hayes were talking about something they have in common--what they called the "moral formation" they gained while growing up in the Catholic Church.

They were lamenting the lack of moral conscience shown by people who profess to be Christian, yet knowingly promote false claims about Covid-19 and the vaccinations that can protect us from it.

"When we turn to the gospels," said Michael Steele, "we find Christ calling us to take care of 'the least of these'--to help everybody who needs help. So if you feed someone falsehoods, and they die from it, you've got a moral problem to deal with." Amen, Michael Steele!

Can people begin to face their moral problems in new ways? Can people become strong enough to know more of the truth about their lives? Can we all learn to love our neighbors more deeply?

"For mortals it is impossible, but not for God," Jesus says. "For God all things are possible." (Mark 10:27)