Any Moment

Everything is jumbled in the Tucson desert these days—rain, hail, blizzard, moonlight, buds, clouds, wind, shadow, sun. The mountains in every direction with their dark cliffs and crags revealed by the snow are suddenly immense and strange, as if we had awakened to go out and walk in another land, a sacred land, far away from our ordinary place. Yet here we are.

My desk is a jumble too. My heart overflows with many energies. I try to make room for them all. I listen to them. Little by little, I learn how they are part of the work of love to which we are called.

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood.”

When we are seeking to grow, there is no ordinary place. Any moment can become strange and sacred. With the Spirit’s kind encouragement, may we welcome such moments. May we travel far, and yet be here.