Not Far Away

There is much in these days to disturb the serenity of our minds and hearts. If tears come, they can help. If anger arises, we can acknowledge it as part of our humanity, learn what we can from it, and practice refraining from violence. If we are afraid, we can look to each other for comfort and encouragement.

And in every moment, we can begin again with compassion. We can center our lives anew in learning its ways and practicing its wisdoms. We can do this—one by one, yes, and also community by community.

We can devote ourselves to learning how to treat everyone with loving-kindness, not only in our ideals, but also in our policies and patterns of life. We can begin to understand what it might mean to turn our compassion toward the earth.

Jesus said, “Be compassionate, as your Creator in heaven is compassionate.” Jesus also announced that the realm of heaven is near, not far away.