Amazed All Over Again

from May 1, 2013 on Much of what is happening in my heart these days I cannot put into words. Perhaps it is too mysterious. Perhaps I will understand more in a little while. Perhaps we are in a realm where the Spirit “intercedes with sighs too deep for words.”

I did not know that circling back to Rochester would stir me like this in my soul. I thought it would be ordinary. After all, we lived here just last year. I smile gently at my assumption that coming back, coming home, would be routine. It is okay with me to be surprised.

We are spiritual beings, and I begin to understand that coming around again in a new moment is a leap of faith. Duh, I say to myself… again gently. Then I just sit here for a few minutes and smile. It is good to belong to a spiritual tradition that encourages loving-kindness toward all, ourselves included.

The sunrise is a soft magnolia pink on this first morning of May, the month when Michal and I are celebrating thirty years together. When we started out, here in Rochester, a thirtieth anniversary was beyond our imagining. Now here we are, talking late into the nights of how our days and years overflow with divine gifts. We are amazed all over again, and crazy thankful.