Just Because

The spiritual pathway of Jesus centers in these five words: “love your neighbor as yourself.” This invitation can open many doors for us. Sometimes, it reminds us to love ourselves, a practice we often neglect.

Other times, it encourages us to seek balance in how we focus our attention and devote our energies. For me, these words of Jesus reveal that learning to love ourselves, challenging as it can be in some moments, gives us wisdom to love others with a reverence that naturally flows into actions of kindness and justice for everyone.

This week, reading Thich Nhat Hanh, I’ve been reflecting on his words about “equanimity” or “freedom” in the practice of love: “You love because that person needs to be loved. That's all… You don't ask for anything in return. You love him because he needs your love. You love her because she needs your love.”

We can try out this freedom toward ourselves as well: we can love ourselves just because we need to be loved. There is no reason more important, or more powerful.


Thich Nhat Hanh's quote is from his dharma talk entitled "Love," available at www.plumvillage.org