Blessed Peacemakers

Today I give thanks for everybody in heaven and on earth who has spoken, or now speaks, for peace.

We humans are still struggling to learn our way out of the anguish of greed and war. Yet every time one of us expresses grief at how we are hurting each other, all of us who hear it are changed. Every time one of us utters a phrase or makes a gesture that gives peace even a little more breathing room in our awareness, all of us who witness it go forth more expansive in mind and heart than we were before.

Peace is not inevitable. It takes wisdom, skill, grit, tenacity, tenderness, and courage. It takes turning to each other and lifting our voices together.

So may we move steadfastly toward the day when human beings are so caught up in how to heal and help one another that violence has become the unthinkable thing, the shocking possibility, and peace is commonly recognized as what we find joy in, what our energy and money are spent for, what we are doing here on this beautiful, vulnerable Earth, who also needs our help and healing now.