Love Keeps Shining

Yesterday Michal and I visited Rev. Dr. Barbara Jones-Hagedorn’s grave for the first time, on the grounds of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, overlooking the Bristol Hills.

“I found my voice here,” she used to say about the Divinity School. Barbara’s voice. Such a voice. When she preached our commitment ceremony thirty years ago, her voice rose on the wind of the Holy Spirit. That morning Barbara swept us up into the Spirit with her, and we have never been the same.

“My love will be with you forever.” Those are the last words she spoke to us before she died. I give thanks for how passionately Barbara loved being here on earth, how brilliantly she interpreted scripture, how joyfully she cherished her children, and how faithfully she visited people in prison with her husband John.

Sister Barbara Moore, now a Professor at the Divinity School, went with us to visit the grave. She was Barbara’s dearest friend. The three of us stood there together, remembering. We wish we could talk with Barbara the way we used to. And hear her voice. And watch her listen. And see her smile. Yet even so she is here with us. Her love keeps shining in us all.


From the archives: June 6, 2013