
Standing at the table after supper just now, about to pray before blowing out the red candle, Michal said the things she was thankful for and then turned to me. "Are you thankful for anything?" she asked. I had been so absorbed in listening to her that I was speechless for a moment.

Then I looked at the chandelier above the table and said, "I'm thankful that this chandelier has a Celtic pattern on it." I had never really noticed that before. We reached for John O'Donohue's book, Eternal Echoes.

On page 115, John tells us that the Celts "saw themselves as guests in a living, breathing universe." How healing it would be for the earth if we lived into this way of being!

John went on to say this: The Celts "had great respect for the tenuous regions between the worlds and between the times....between sowing and reaping, pregnancy and birth, intention and action, the end of one season and the beginning of another." May we be blessed with gentleness as we move between ways and realms and seasons. And now, here is the round gold moon shining bright through evergreen branches.