Slipping into Prayer

“Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17

I used to think that praying constantly was an impossible job—something I should attempt, but could never fully attain. But over the years, in spiritual community, I have learned that to pray continually can gradually become part of who we are.

To pray without ceasing is not a task; it is a way of being in the world, made possible by a deepening awareness that we are always in God’s loving presence. It happens easily, without effort, as we open ourselves to the myriad ways we can connect with God: through play, work, singing, silence, gardening, conversing, walking, sitting, cooking, eating, beholding nature, breathing deeply, washing dishes, reading, knitting, biking, dancing, letting our tears fall, laughing, creating, and other ways we can discover together.

Steadily we learn to slip into an openness that allows us to notice, tune in, and find ourselves at home in God's love. Soon we may have moments when we discover that we have “gone there” without trying. After awhile, we may suddenly realize that, to our surprise, we “live there”—in a flow of constant prayer.