Happy September

September's arrival can be surprising! Here's what I wrote on behalf of the Earth Care Team this month to the sixty-nine congregations of the Genesee Valley Presbytery...

Dear Friends,

Happy September to all!

Amidst all the busyness, the Earth Care Team invites you to pause whenever you can and let yourself breathe deeply and enjoy God's living presence in creation.

As Elizabeth Barrett Browning has written,

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God,
But only he who sees takes off his shoes."

There are many summery days yet to come... let's gaze at them, welcome them into our hearts, take off our shoes, and give thanks for the astonishing beauty God lavishes upon us moment by moment and day after day. We'll be inspired, centered, and more energized. We'll fall in love with earth a little more than before, and God will rejoice with us!

Blessings of peace to all,


Rev. Pat Youngdahl
Convener, Earth Care Team of Genesee Valley Presbytery