"Like a Shimmering Rainbow": Psalm 133 as a Summer Solstice Blessing

Today, on the longest day of this year, Psalm 133 appears in the revised common lectionary for this coming Sunday.

So how could I help but think of Nan C. Merrill's version of this psalm in her book, Psalms for Praying, in which she mixes paraphrase with faith-filled invention, and presents to us what I find to be deeply inspiring poetry:

Behold, how good and pleasant it is

when brothers and sisters

dwell in unity!

It is like vistas seen from

atop a mountain one has climbed...

Or like the stillness of a sunset

after a long day's work.

It is like a shimmering rainbow,

breaking through a summer rain.

When (people) dwell in harmony,

the star of Truth appears!