Dorothy Day on Loaves and Fishes (2 Kings 4:42-44 and John 6:1-21)

The amazing multiplication of loaves and fishes, to feed multitudes, occurs not only in the gospels, but also in 2 Kings 4:42-44. And it is something, that through ingenuity and compassion, happens not only in the scriptures, but also in real life. We see it today in the work of The World Central Kitchen now cooking for people all over the world, every day. And we see it in the ministry of Dorothy Day through the Catholic Worker movement.

In 1963, Dorothy Day wrote in her book, Loaves and Fishes, "God has given us our vocation, as he gave it to the small boy who contributed his few loaves and fishes to help the multitude, and which Jesus multiplied so that he fed 5,000 people."

She continues" "Loaves and fishes! How much we owe to God in praise, honor, and thanksgiving!

...."How many times, all through my life, have I surveyed these tables full of people and wondered if the bread would go around; how many times have I noticed how one heaps his plate and the last one served has little...."

"Where does it all go? Where do all the people come from? How will it all be paid for? But the miracle is that it does get paid for, sooner or later. The miracle is, also, that seldom do more people come than we can feed." (pages 210-212)


For a meditation on the related passage in John chapter 6 when Jesus comes to the frightened disciples as they row through a storm in the night on a lake, see the reflection for July 22, 2024.